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Saturday, May 25, 2013

谎言 vs. 现实







The One Day

Everytime when I'm jealous of other girls, you will always tell me that I'm the only one in your heart. I hope that it is real. Or even if it's a lie, I hope that you won't tell me the truth one day. To be honest, I prefer living in a fake world. I know you're jealous when I showed you the message, but since you know him and you know that two of us are just impossible, I don't get why will you jealous of it. Well, maybe it's because you care me or you're afraid that you will lose me, and that's why you're jealous. I will take that even if it's not true. All I want you to know is that I'm trying very very hard to forget that one person in my heart and the love I had towards him last time is not flowing to your side. Please trust me that I can do it. I will prove to you one day that I have let go of it and tell you that I love you proudly one day. Just wait for the day to come. I'm trying to play my part well, so please don't disappoint me when I'm putting so much effort into our relationship.